Join us for a compassionate and supportive gathering designed for both those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, and their dedicated caregivers. Our Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group offers a safe space for caregivers to connect, share, and receive support from trained facilitators who are counseling professionals or medical professionals who are equipped to help you with resources. Facilitators include: Crista Scott-Barbour, Keeley Bailey, Vicky Wyche, and Martha Lee Thwaite.
While caregivers meet, loved ones will help make dinner, play games or puzzles, or watch TV with members of our Congregational Care team. At 6:45 p.m., we’ll all come together for a meal, fostering a sense of community, understanding, and solidarity. Whether you’re seeking advice, empathy, or simply a chance to share experiences, we welcome you to join us in this special, uplifting time of connection.