Lent invites us to journey alongside Jesus to the cross, reflecting on the encounters he faced along the way. These moments guide us in learning how to follow Christ through our own journey in this broken world. Join us for worship each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary or online


Wednesday, March 5

ASH & DASH | 7-9 a.m.
Start your day with a quick imposition of the ashes (aka cross on your forehead) and prayer time in the BUMC parking lot. There will an option to park, and STAY AND PRAY as the Prayer Room will be open for all. Otherwise drive-thru for a quick but meaningful start to your Lent journey.  

WORSHIP SERVICES | Noon & 7 p.m.
Gather for a worship service with Pastor Sam preaching and special music. Ash Wednesday is a time of self-examination and prayer. The use of ashes emphasizes the fleeting nature of life and the call to humility.
The service at Noon will be live-streamed. 

THE GIFT OF PRAYER: A Study Open to All
Tuesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. | March 11 – April 15
Student Center
Facilitator Jodi Christensen | Offered by the Prayer Team

Prayer is a gift from God, a way to connect with the divine—but it’s not always easy or natural. How do we pray? If God knows the outcome, does it matter? What if we don’t feel God’s presence? When prayers go unanswered, are we doing it wrong? Why pray? 

This Lenten season, join us for a practical journey through prayer. Together, we’ll explore our questions, deepen our understanding, and learn to find our voice in prayer. Whether you’re just beginning or have prayed for years, join the conversation as we grow in faith and prayer together. There is power in a praying church!

JOYFUL NOISE: An Instrumental Concert
Sunday, March 16 at 4 p.m.

Experience a variety of beautiful melodies performed by talented musicians in our congregation, including Phebe Dickens, Parker Holloway, Rev. John Ousley, the Birmingham Bells, and Birmingham Flutes. This concert is a chance to reflect, relax, and connect with the spirit of the season through the power of music. All are welcome, so bring a friend! It will also be recorded and live-streamed

Sunday, March 23 at 10 a.m.

Members Matter is a special Sunday we do every few months at Birmingham UMC, where a lot of people join the church at one time. If you are interested in joining the church you can call the front office (678)942-1600 or fill out the form online. The best part about Members Matter Sundays?…

New name, same great opportunity to eat and get to know your church family! After the worship service, we all gather in the Fellowship Hall for food. Everyone is welcome, and a signup to bring sides, salads, and desserts will be available soon! 


Sunday, April 13
Worship Service at 10 a.m.
It is always a joy-filled service as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem with special music and more. You can worship online with us or in the Sanctuary.

Pancake Breakfast for BUMC Youth at 11:15 a.m.
A youth favorite; fill up on pancakes (thanks, Derek!) and we will complete the prayer stations for Holy Week. 

Easter Egg Hunt from 3-5 p.m.
All are welcome for an egg-citing Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt will be grouped into ages with everyone beginning in the Fellowship Hall. After the egg hunts, there will be crafts, a petting zoo, a cake walk, and more fun activities for your family. 

Monday, April 14-17
10 a.m.  to 4 p.m. in the Student Center
The BUMC Youth have prepared prayer stations to guide you through Holy Week. They are open to the public anytime during church hours and also for Maundy Thursday Drop-In Communion and Living Last Supper. 
We are incredibly proud of the ideas the youth have had for these and we hope you will make time to stop by and experience them. 

Thursday, April 17 
7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Student Center

Drop by to experience the prayer stations prepared by the BUMC Youth, receive Holy Communion, and experience the Living Last Supper. In the United Methodist Church, all are welcome to receive Holy Communion. 

Friday, April 18
7 p.m. in the Sanctuary

All are welcome to worship in-person or online. This service is an opportunity to pause and remember the profound significance of Good Friday. Organized by Jan Eaton, Director of Choral Ministries and the BUMC Choir, you can expect wonderful music and meaningful reminders of God’s unconditional love. 

Sunday, April 20

6:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater

This service is outside (weather pending) so please dress accordingly, bring chairs and/or blankets! 

This is an intimate service outside as the sun rises while we reflect on that first Easter and our Risen Lord. There will be special music from Jonathan Wolfe and Jody Worrell, and a message from Senior Pastor, Rev. Mike Morgan. 

On April 16, 1995 Birmingham UMC hosted its first community-wide Sunrise Service. It was located at the foot of a dam on Providence Road, just east of Bethany Road. People came from far and wide.

When we transitioned to our 63-acre campus in September 2005, our first Sunrise service here occurred on April 16, 2006. What was once a pasture for cows became a sacred space for our outdoor amphitheater. It is located about 200 yards directly south of the front doors of the Sanctuary. We look forward to welcoming YOU to our amphitheater this year again for Easter Sunrise. 

9 a.m. in the Sanctuary & Online
11 a.m. in the Sanctuary 

All are welcome as we cheerfully celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There will be special music by the BUMC Choir, Handbell Choir, and Sanctuary Worship Band with a message from Senior Pastor Rev. Mike Morgan.

Nursery for preschool and under is available. Elementary-aged children will remain with their families for worship. Activity bags will be provided to keep their hands and minds busy.

You can be a part of our online congregation at 9 a.m. (or anytime after) by watching at any of these three links:

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