a place for kids

OUR MISSION: Guide and Grow kids to a “deeply-rooted” personal faith in Jesus. Teach them His ways. Empower them to serve the local and global community.

OUR VISION: Partner with families, who are the primary spiritual influence in each child’s life. Provide a safe place for children to “grow” and learn about God.

Sunday Mornings

At Birmingham UMC, we all worship together at 10 a.m., followed by a Sunday School hour. For parents, we suggest the Birmingham Believers or Parents of Teens class. Find more about those here. We have activities for your children during both of those times. Our volunteers who work in the Treehouse have been screened and trained to work with children. 

Sign up to get all the news from BUMC and Treehouse including weekly Sunday recaps! 

Nursery: What You Can Expect

If you are the parent of a child 2 years old and younger, please check them in downstairs in the Education Building. Nursery is available for both hours, where they will be cared for by loving staff and volunteers. We can confidently say we have some of the most committed and loving volunteers in our nursery area!

Preschool & Elementary: What You Can Expect

We encourage all our preschool and elementary friends to start in the Sanctuary with their families. Please check in your child(ren) in the Narthex before finding a seat. After the Children’s Moment, your child will leave with their teachers for the Treehouse area. They will dive into the Bible lesson for the day, have a short Children’s Choir session with Mrs. Jennifer, and be offered a snack!
Please pick up your child after worship or Sunday School from the Treehouse on the lower level of the Education Building. 


EASTER EGG-STRAVAGANZA | Sunday, April 13 from 3-5 p.m.
More than an egg hunt–a whole Easter-themed celebration on Palm Sunday that is open to the community. All families will start in the Sanctuary with a story and treat to go along with it. The egg hunt times will be divided into age groups: toddler & preschool, early elementary, and older elementary. In addition to the egg hunts, there will be bounce houses, a petting zoo, crafts, a cupcake walk, face painting, and more! 

VBS: Road Trip – On the Go with God

WHEN: June 2-5 from 9 a.m. to Noon & VBS Sunday, June 8 at 10 a.m.
WHO: Kids 4 years-old as of Sept. 1, 2025 through rising sixth-graders
COST: $30 per child
We are requesting that all families volunteer in some capacity this year. we will need help planning, prepping, and participating. This is our largest children’s outreach and it takes everyone to make it a success!

We're so glad you are here.

Thank you for filling out this information for your child to help us better serve you!

Student Information 2022-2023

If applicable.
Do we have permission to contact your child on their cell phone?
Is your student on Instagram?
If applicable
In case of an emergency, who should we contact?