Pumpkin spice, autumn leaves & maybe it won’t be 90 degrees!
The Treehouse is back in full swing with lots of ways to engage your family and kids during this fall season. We look forward to seeing you soon.


3rd Grade Bibles – Sept. 12

All 3rd Graders and their families are invited to join us on September 12 at the 10A.M. worship service to receive their Bibles from the church. Afterwards, we’ll meet for pizza and a short class to learn how to use your Bible. All 4th & 5th graders that need Bibles are welcome to join us as well!


Sept. 17-18

A collaborative effort by Birmingham UMC, Northbrook UMC & Roswell UMC to bring the magic of camp close to home. Your fourth & fifth graders explore Psalm 139 and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made and known by God.

Friday, Sept. 17 at Northbrook UMC from 6 to 9P.M.
Saturday, Sept. 18 at Birmingham UMC from 10A.M. to 5P.M.
Costs $25


Following the retreat, there will be a Roots event for 4th and 5th graders on Sunday, Sept. 19 from 4 to 6P.M. More information to follow.


We’ve recently changed how we do Sunday Mornings around here and want to make sure you have that latest and greatest so you know what to expect next time in the Treehouse. We’ve added new adult Sunday School options at 11:15A.M. and we hope you will consider attending one.

NURSERY (birth – 2 years old)
If you are the parent of a child 2 and under please check-in them in downstairs in the education building as normal. Nursery is available there for both hours. If you are planning to stay for the 11 o’clock hour, please select that option at check-in. You do not need to return to re-check your child in. We’ve got it!

PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY (3 years old – 5th grade)
Please check in all preschool and elementary children at the Narthex and include whether they will stay one or two hours. After the Children’s Moment, your child will leave with their teacher for the Treehouse area. At the end of service, please pick up your child there. If they are staying for the second hour, no need to do anything. We’ve got it!

Starting September 12, the Treehouse is moving outside!

We’re taking advantage of the beautiful weather and our amazing land this fall. Worship is also shifting outside. All kids 3 and up stay outside for their classes, following the children’s moment in worship. Think lots of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, paint and mess that normally is hard to do in an inside classroom.

Please note that your littlest friends (birth – 2 years old) will stay inside in their rooms during this time. And the format will remain the same: kids in worship with parents until Children’s Moment!



Family fun to be had by all! Save the date for Birmingham UMC’s Fall Festival. This event is open to our community and we’d love to have new faces, so help us spread the word.

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