

For the past four weeks Pastor Brent & Pastor Jennifer have been bringing us stories from the Bible about people who found themselves new in town.

Soon, the Atlanta area will start welcoming Afghan refugees. This past Sunday Pastor Jennifer called us to consider how we could put what we learned into action.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES ATLANTA: CCA has been working with refugees in the Atlanta area for years. They also do a lot of work with children and youth.

INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE: THE IRC is located in over 40 countries and over 20 US cities. There is one in Atlanta. As well as advocacy and raising awareness (like this), they work with specific communities and you can find all the news relating to Georgia resettlements and how to help here.

The conference is putting together a Refugee and Resettlement Team. They are seeking laity and clergy to help get this endeavor off the ground. Click here for more information.

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