
KNOWN: Fall In-Town Retreat

Friday, Sept. 17 from 6 to 9P.M. at Northbrook UMC
Saturday, Sept. 18 from 10A.M. to 5P.M. at Birmingham UMC

A collaborative effort by Birmingham UMC, Northbrook UMC & Roswell UMC to bring the magic of camp close to home. Your fourth & fifth graders will explore Psalm 139 and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made and known by God. The cost is $25 for the weekend.

Parents should provide transportation to and from the event. Kids should bring a water bottle with their name on it, a packed lunch on Saturday, wear closed toe shoes and apply sunscreen and bug spray before arrival.

Dinner will be provided on Friday at Northbrook. Kids should bring a packed lunch on Saturday. Snacks will be provided.

The event will take place outside. We ask that children bring a mask with them, but they are not required to wear one while we are outside.

The deadline to register is September 10.


Also, if your child missed out on getting their Bible last year when they were presented to 3rd graders, please sign them up to receive on this year. Bibles will be given out on Sunday, Sept. 12 during the 10A.M. worship hour.
Please tell us you are coming by reserving your child’s Bible here – just to be sure we have enough!

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